Wednesday 14 March 2012

Indians are great

               After digging to a depth of 100 metres last year,
               Russian scientists found
               traces of copper wire dating back 1000 years, and
               came to the conclusion
               that their ancestors already had a telephone
               network one thousand years
               So, not to be outdone, in the weeks that followed,
               American scientists dug
               200 metres and headlines in the US papers read:
               "US scientists have found traces of 2000 year old
               optical fibres, and have
               concluded that their ancestors already had
               advanced high-tech digital
               telephone 1000 years earlier than the Russians."
               One week later, the Indian newspapers reported the
               "After digging as deep as 500 metres, Indian
               scientists have found
               absolutely nothing. They have concluded that 5000
               years ago, their
               ancestors   were already using wireless technology .